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ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Policy Library

Policies in the Policy Library are the current official statements of university policy across ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ.  A University Policy has broad application throughout the University, helps ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promotes one or more of the University’s missions, contains guidelines for governance, and/or sets limits within which people are expected to operate.  University policies included in the Policy Library have broad impact and their applicability is not limited to a single institutional unit.  These university-level policies have been approved by the university president and/or the Board of Trustees when applicable.

Linking to the Policy Library

Rather than restating policies in multiple locations, websites and other manuals or documents should provide links or references to the policies in the Policy Library to avoid redundant, inconsistent, or outdated policy statements. Statements of university policy published elsewhere are not official as they may not reflect recent changes.


ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ policies are organized in seven broad categories, and each has subcategories that will help you find the proper policy.  Policies also may be cross-linked if they affect more than one constituent group or subject-matter on campus.

College and Unit Policies

The Policy Library contains university policies only.  Colleges, departments, and other university units may have additional policies specific to them and for which they are responsible for maintenance and communication. Academic, student, departmental or unit policies must not conflict with university policies; however, they may be more restrictive. If you have a question regarding a unit's policy, contact the unit directly. Unit policies are adopted in accordance with unit procedures by a dean, director, or chair, as applicable.

Policy-Related Guidance

Policies in the Policy Library do not include guidance such as process, procedures, practice, and supplemental information.  However, links are provided from policies to such guidance. Guidance may tend to be revised more frequently than policies, and is sometimes considered to be more discretionary than policies. Please contact the unit responsible for maintaining the policy if you have questions about policy-related guidance.

New Policies & Revisions

If you are aware of the need for a new university policy or the revision of an existing university policy, contact the policy owner as listed on the policy or one of the Policy Administrators.  In addition, consult the Policy Development, Approval and Communication policy and related resources for templates and requirements for policy approval.

Policies that have been updated or revised subsequent to the initial "Effective" date are denoted by an "Updated/Revised" date.  An update is a non-substantive edit. Examples include updating a position title or a department name, correction of a typographical error, and repair of broken resource links.  Updates do not require approval for posting.

Contacts & Questions

Comments about current policies or approval of policies should be directed to: 

Venessa Macro
Chief Administration Officer
320 Old Main
2507 University Ave
Des Moines, IA  50311

Email: venessa.macro@drake.edu
Phone: 515-271-3962