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Audition Information

In order to be admitted to the Department of Music, and to be considered for a Fine Arts Scholarship as a major, minor, or non-major participant, we invite all prospective students to audition for Department of Music faculty.

Methods of Audition

  • Audition Days: February 7, 2025 & February 14, 2025
  • Virtual Auditions: Submitted via 
  • Individual In-Person Auditions



NOTE: In order to audition with the Department of Music, you must start an admission application to create a ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ login account. It is highly recommended that all prospective students submit their application to ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ as soon as possible. The application and audition processes must be completed to be considered for Fine Arts Scholarships.

If you receive an error message after clicking on the Audition Registration Portal button above, please ensure that you clear your browser's cookies in order to access the portal. Successfully clearing the browser's cookies will allow users to see a login page where they will enter their ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ login credentials.

Auditions for admittance into the Department of Music and Fine Arts Scholarship consideration should be completed no later than February 21, 2025. Students who have auditioned before this deadline will receive Fine Arts Scholarship information in the month of March.

If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Music office at 515-271-1824 or musicadmin@drake.edu.

Audition Requirements


All prospective students must use the platform for submitting virtual audition recordings. Please note that students must fill out the audition registration form first before registering for Acceptd and submitting audition recordings. There is a $35 application fee to use Acceptd.

Whether live or recorded, your audition for the ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ Department of Music serves both as your audition for admittance to the department (whether as a major, minor, or non-major participant) and for Fine Arts Scholarship consideration. We are eager to meet you and to hear your audition, and look forward to our upcoming interactions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for a Fine Arts Scholarship through the Department of Music?

Fine Arts Scholarships are available to all incoming first-year students and transfer students who are majors, minors, or non-major participants.

How does a Fine Arts Scholarship impact my financial aid package?

Please note that Fine Arts Scholarships may affect your overall financial aid package. Students who are submitting applications for Fine Arts Scholarships in more than one fine arts area (Music, Art & Design, and Theatre) can only be awarded one Fine Arts Scholarship. Those who are recipients of a Fine Arts Scholarship are not eligible for the Drake Grant or Drake Supplemental Grant.

How do I apply for a Fine Arts Scholarship?

When students audition, this serves both as the audition for admittance into the Department of Music and for Fine Arts Scholarship consideration. As stated above, auditions should be completed no later than February 21, 2025, to be admitted and be considered for a Fine Arts Scholarship.

What are the procedures/timelines for a Fine Arts Scholarship through the Department of Music?

First, students must complete the application process and be admitted by ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ before Fine Arts Scholarships are considered. Applications are reviewed on a continuing basis. To ensure consideration for a Fine Arts Scholarship, please be sure to audition before the deadline (February 21, 2025). Applying after this date could hinder your eligibility for Fine Arts Scholarship consideration.

What is the timeline of Fine Arts Scholarship notification?

After faculty in the Department of Music review all auditions, notification of Fine Arts Scholarships will be mailed out sometime in the month of March.

What are the criteria for Fine Arts Scholarship renewal?

Renewal of a Fine Arts Scholarship is contingent on enrolling in applied lessons/ensembles on the student's primary instrument established by the Department of Music. Additionally, students must maintain good academic standing as a full-time student. The Department of Music has the right to review and/or adjust Fine Arts Scholarships if a student receives a final semester grade of "D" or below in applied lessons and/or ensemble.

Who may I contact if I have more questions about the Department of Music?

Department of Music
Harmon Fine Arts Center 266
Fine Arts News
Fine Arts Calendar